Friday, July 18, 2008

What day is it?

Friday is supposed to be the easy day. The laid back get ready for the weekend day. I don't know what happened this week, but my Friday started acting like a Monday and I was soo not in the mood.

The day started out relatively well. Eliza slept in a little- probably because she spent most of the night pulling my hair and squirming in bed instead of sleeping. We went on a relaxing morning stroll. I made an appointment for the ant exterminator to finally come take care of those little buggers.

All was going well until...
I locked myself, Eliza and my niece out of the house. We were on our way to the mall and I handed the keys to my niece so that I could carry the baby and the diaper bag down the stairs. She absentmindedly put the keys on the dining room table and then we both walked out of the door. As soon as it shut it I turned around and said, "Do you have the keys?" I already knew the dismal answer. Luckily we were in the air conditioned hallway and not in the scorching heat. She said she had a feeling she was forgetting something- but figured it couldn't be that important. Luckily I was able to laugh, a little, because it is something that I would have done. You can't cry over split milk!

The only people with a spare key to my house are my husband who was over an hour a way at work and my mother-in-law who is visiting her other son in Kansas. GREAT! My niece tried to jimmy the door with a credit card. I let her try just for SH^T$ and giggles. It didn't work. I call my hubs and told him the deal. He called his mom in Kansas who called my sister-in-law. It turns out that the spare keys were at my MIL house 5 minutes away and not with Dorothy and Toto! We were back in the house within a half hour.

Undeterred we decided to venture out to the mall. I was a woman with a mission. I had GymBucks to redeem! I took a bottle because E had to eat before too long. We picked up some stuff at Gymboree and then headed to Old Navy to find some vacay clothes for me. Cut to me trying on a dress in the Old Navy dressing room, discovering that the top of the bottle was not fastened correctly and has now spilled everywhere. Eliza is fussy and hungry. I hand my clothes to the dressing room attendant and mutter something about seeing her tomorrow. Is it time to cry over the split milk yet?

I say aloud to myself, "This is not a good day for me."

My niece responds, "It is never a good day for you."

The topper of the night occurred when E starting gaging and threw up all over the carpet. In the vomit I found a piece of the carpet that looked especially most! Now my daughter loves to pick up fuzzies off of the carpet, but has never eaten one before. I can't even get her to put one of those Gerber Puffs in her mouth, but somehow I am think the stars aligned and she found the coordination to put carpet in her mouth. Makes a momma proud. It is definitely ok to cry over milk that has been vomited all over the carpet.

By that time the hubs was home and mommy ate her pizza, cheese less of course, in peace- and it finally felt like Friday.


Lori said...

hugs! hope today is going smoother

Andrea said...

Yeah...that sounds about like our day yesterday - minus the barf! I hope you're having a better day today! Ours was looking pretty good until about 5 minutes ago when it started pouring rain on all my laundry that is haning outside to DRY!! haha. Oh well!

Anonymous said...

Not a good day, indeed! I would have commenced meltdown sequence as soon as we were locked out. You're quite the trooper!

Pam said...

oh no! I am so sorry! (((BIG HUGS))) I would have been done for after being locked out. So I give you credit for continuing on!

Unknown said...

HA! Ohhh... Man. My whole week felt like your Friday. Aren't you glad the weekend is here?

Christy said...

Yikes! Poor mama.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I guess the bright side was that you were only locked out for half an hour and hubs didn't have to come home!

I can NEVER shop for clothes with Kaelin. I always have high hopes and then I get there and I stress out because she is unhappy.

GumballGrenade said...

I have to say that the stage of everything going into the mouth is pretty upsetting! I remember with every little spit up being worried about what my little one may have gotten a hold of despite my best efforts to baby proof everything! Your frustration is completely warranted!

Mozi Esme said...

I'm feeling for ya! Definitely ok to cry over spilled milk there. Though it sounds like you're putting it in perspective and at least it makes a much more interesting blog post than if your day went perfectly!!

I've always been paranoid that I'll lock us out of the house or even worse lock myself out with baby inside. The worst yet was when my car key got stuck in the car door on the driver side and I couldn't get in - and I had already put baby in her car seat. It was a warm day and I was panicking! Fortunately when I called him, hubby had the presence of mind to tell me to use oil on the lock to get the key out, and it worked.