Sunday, August 3, 2008

What My Toddler Taught Me

Hi all! Danielle here. Amber from Babywearing Buzz is my first guest blogger while I am on vacay! She is totally awesome. Make sure to check out her online babywearing store Heavenly Hold!

I’m the mommy to a 17 month old little girl. I do my best to teach her new things each day, but I find more and more that she is teaching me! Isn’t this kind of backwards? Actually, I think it’s quite common for parents to learn life lessons from the ones who haven’t lived much life yet!

Anyway, I’ve recently learned the lesson of patience from Kaelin. Now, she’s not always the most patient person in the world, but she has her moments when she is very focused and calm. Recently she was trying to figure out how to get the laptop opened when it was closed. She sat there for probably 3-5 minutes (hours in toddler time!) fiddling with that laptop and trying to open it up! I figure if she can give that kind of concentration to something, then I should be able to as well…in fact, I should be able to do better! I have trouble being patient with…well…just about everything!

Another lesson I’ve learned is to just be happy! Yes! Kaelin walks around the house with a grin a mile wide on her face all day. She does have brief moments of meltdowns, but they are usually over very quickly and she’s back to smiling and laughing. She is happy to be here and happy to be with me and just happy in general. I got to thinking about her constant state of happiness and realized that I should be that way, too! What do I have to be unhappy about? Plus, what will being unhappy about stuff get me? Nothing! I should share Kaelin’s joy and spread Kaelin’s joy by smiling and laughing and being happy all the time, too.

The last lesson I’ll share (but not the last one I learned) is to give things a chance. I will often reject an idea, statement, object without even considering or hearing it out. I have the tendency to be a little on the judgmental side (whew! That was hard to admit). Kaelin will give just about anything at least a chance. She’ll try any food that I put on her high chair, she’ll pick up any object I set before her, get in any baby carrier I put her in and she will smile at any friend of mine. She may not end up liking the food, carrier, toy or person, but she will at least give them a chance.

I hope that as the years pass, I’ll continue to learn from my daughter. But, I hope to become a better person, so that she will also learn more from me!

Amber Stevens


Lori said...

Amber... are you lost? It was strange seeing a post from Amber on here, but anyway.

I too have learned a lot from my toddler. We just hope they learn the same lessons themselves a lot quicker than we do!

Mozi Esme said...

Great post! My baby keeps teaching me lots of the same lessons, if I just pay attention. Persistence is one of my favorites - she keeps trying things over and over until she gets them. My least favorite is patience . . .

Tracy said...

You are so right! What a great post. I didn't know Heavenly Hold was your online store. Danielle gave me the Sleepy Wrap when Stella was born. I loved it so much that I ordered one for my friend Jess who had a baby last week and my mom plans to order one from you for another friend due any second!

daysease said...

I just had deja vu of when i went to MOPs (Mothers of Preschoolers) when we lived in the states. nice lessons learned. I could add about 100 other things to my list of what my kids teach me... wow, thanks for sharing... have a great day.

Suzie said...

Thats realy true and good things to think about thanks.

Unknown said...

I totally agree! There are so many lessons that I've learned from my little one. A great reminder that God isn't done with me yet!