Monday, February 23, 2009

The Future Miss Jabba The Hutt

This pregnancy has been a bit the same and a bit different than my last. In the nicest way possible way, this pregnancy is kicking my butt.

The Cramping

The worst symptom I have had with both is cramping. When I am pregnant it seems I get terrible cramps. It is not a fun for anyone, never mind someone who has had miscarriages. It has eased up a lot since week nine but I still have very crampy days. Fortunately, I have finally learned to deal with my pregnancy related anxiety. Never fear- I still have all kinds of anxiety issues left. :0

The Nausea

I thought I was nauseous with Eliza. I now realize I had mild nausea with her. I have been extremely nauseous for weeks. I don't throw up. I just wish I did. At first I was psyched because this is usually a sign things are progressing well. I didn't mind not being able to not make the grocery list without cringing or going to the grocery store and feeling my stomach contract. However, at this point I am still waiting for my feel good second trimester. Things have improved a lot and I can finally see the light.

Dizzy Miss Lizzy

I have bee very dizzy lately. The best was I can describe it is by saying I feel like a pair of googly eyes spinning, twirling and swirling. Last week I was spinning so bad I ended up sick. Eliza thought I was peeing in the toilet. I guess she isn't clear that pee comes from the other end. My blood pressure is fine so I am guessing it is all that blood swirling around my system. Docotr said it is normal. I suspect I am not drinking enough fluids so I am going to up my fluid intake this week and hope for the best.

I was not very hungry with E. I ate an extra snack a day and seemed fine. This time around I am always hungry. But eating makes me sick. And not eating makes me sick. Which is why sometimes even though I am hungry I don't eat enough. After my dizzy episode last week I have been tryng to eat six to eight healthy mini meals each day to keep the beast at bay-but I am just always hungry. So don't be surpirsed when I end up looking like Jabba The Hutt.

Other than that I have been pretty tired-but that could just be from chasing E all day.


Lori said...

isn't pregnancy fun... yeah no! hope your symptoms clear soon

Funky Food Trisha said...

My pregnancy's kick my butt too. When I hear from other mom's that they could be pregnant everyday because it was sooooooo easy, it makes me soooooo jealous! Hang in there. Drink plenty of water. With my second I spent a lot of time playing with my first while lying on my side on the floor. It was the only way to keep the constant braxton hicks at bay. And warm baths. And the occasional Benedryl.

I get so huge that they actually attach one of those large beepers from a dump truck to my butt. That way no one gets harmed if I back up!


Anonymous said...

I hope the symptoms clear soon! But if they don't, I bet you'll be cutest Jabbetta the Hut ever ;-)

Shanilie said...

Ugh I feel for you. I am just getting into the cramping and hunger now ....but the nausea and fatigue were awful during that time.

Marni's Organized Mess said...

Hang in there, it will all be worth it soon!

Andrea said...

Oh yeah...all those "wonderful" pregnancy symptoms! ;) At least you know it'll all be worth it in the end. Oh...and for the dizzy thing, I was low on iron when I was pregnant both times and once I started taking extra iron supplements or even eating foods that had more iron in them it really helped. :)

Mozi Esme said...

poor you! i know it seemed forever at this stage, but just a little longer and you'll feel much better!

and thanks for the mac n cheese link last post - i'm going to try it this week...

Dana said...

my poor baby!! feel better mama!! and make sure you drink more and eat enough!! i know it may make you feel sick but I'm sure it'll help!!

love you

EP said...

Aww, I hope you're feeling more up to par soon. As someone who has never been through a pregnancy or had someone close to me be pregnant, I'm intrigued by reading all of this about yours. (:

I hope you're having a lovely Monday!

Christy said...

I was fatigued and nauseous and dizzy when I was pregnant with Porgie. However I felt GREAT for my entire pregnancy with Izzy. I am a lucky, lucky girl.

Hope you're feeling better soon Jabba:)

La Mama Naturale' said...

The joys of pregnancy! Glad to hear you're doing well despite some factors. Take it easy. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited that you're preggo too!