Thursday, May 14, 2009

OB Recap, Potty Training and Bye Bye Binky

I had my 24/25 week appointment at the OB today. I can't believe I have one more four week appointment and then start going every two weeks. WOW! This appointment was much better than the last. I met with a different doctor and she is very sweet. She assured me that if I wanted to try for a natural birth the nurses would be more than happy to help me along. She even said words like shower and Jacuzzi which made me feel a LOT better.

The baby is measuring at 24 weeks. I have currently gained about 19lbs. I now weigh around what I did when I became pregnant with Eliza. It seems I will probably gain about 35lbs this time around-same as last.Overall, I am feeling great. I have been having some Braxton Hicks here and there but nothing constant.

and now onto The Joys of Potty Training

Eliza is now wearing Gerber cotton trainers during the day. During naps and outings she is wearing cloth diapers. I put her on the potty every two hours. Or I should say I encourage her to sit on the potty every two hours. I am trying to track how often she pees but it is a tricky business. Sometimes she doesn't pee for two hours and then she pees every half hour for an hour and a half. What is with this wacky pee behavior? She just wants to test me. We have had more luck with the poop because it is VERY obvious when she needs to go. She gets a very serious look on her face and I know it is time. However, she HATES to go sitting down. She is much more comfortable doing it in a standing position- well because that is how she has been doing it for quite a while. I need to remind her to sit because she tries to run away mid poo. She also seems to have an obsession with toilet paper and flushing the toilet. Flush, Flush, Flush!

Bye Bye Binky (at least during the day)

I have decided to crack down on Eliza's binky use during the day. I know she loves her B-but she really doesn't need it during the day. I have decided to take it away when she wakes up in the morning and only give it back for naps and bed time. So far she is doing great with the transition. However, I think the BINK will stay part of our bed time and nap routine for a little longer. It is really her only comfort item and I am not going to take that from her until she is ready or a little older.


Anonymous said...

I think that's a great way to start with getting rid of the binky...our binkys "lived" in the crib for quite some time before we decided to get rid of them altogether.

Lori said...

Sometimes she doesn't pee for two hours and then she pees every half hour for an hour and a half. What is with this wacky pee behavior?

I think I could have quoted this exactly when working with Blake

we did the same thing with the pacifier with both boys... right now Colby's is in his crib for naps and bedtime. Blake gave up his once his last one got destroyed (he was over 2 when it finally was done with)

Marcy said...

I think kids just have wacky pee behavior in general. I know with Donovan he'll spend half the day with a nearly dry diaper, then the next time I go to change him it's SOAKED. Do you notice any pattern as far as when she pees relative to when she drank anything?

I'm starting to wonder about D's thumb-sucking, too. He does it a LOT during the day. But I can't exactly take away his thumb, so not sure I should bother worrying about it yet...

Beth said...

I'm so happy to hear your doctor is supporting you if you decide to do a natural birth. Have you thought about using a doula?

Christy said...

I have no advice or stories to share. I have never had a vaginal delivery, neither of my kids are potty trained, and we didn't use pacifiers. So, I'll just say GOOOD LUCK!

La Mama Naturale' said...

Yay! Glad to hear your OB experience is going swell. I know it means a lot to you. E is doing so good! I wish we were closer I'd love to have a play date some time!! Darn it!!! ;P We did the same with T- put him in cotton trainers I ordered online. He's loving them. He actually went poopie on the potty without telling me yesterday all by himself. So proud. It's def. tricky business and wacky behavior LOL! T didn't have a bink - but I think how you plan to wean her is an awesome way! Have a great weekend.

Andrea said...

This sounds exactly like what I started doing with Tate when I was pregnant with Emily...potty training, took the paci away during the day (and night too eventually, because he was just ready for it...I wasn't but he was!!) good for you for getting a head start on some of these things before baby #2 arrives!