I am nearing the finish line at 36+ weeks. I had my labor talk this past week at the OB. It wasn't much of a talk really because I have been asking questions here and there at each visit.
We did speak about the option of a Hep-Lock instead of an IV. This way the staff would have access to the vein, but the IV will be capped for later use instead of adding continuous fluid. She said that as long as everything is going smoothly it shouldn't be a problem. She did warn that they can become blocked more easily than an IV but I am not really all that concerned because I feel the freedom the Hep-Lock will provide outweighs the fact that it could get blocked.
I had an internal exam to check my progress. However, I know that none of the signs they check for really mean much as far as when labor will begin. My stats were exactly the same with this baby as with Eliza at 36 weeks. I am about 1-1/2cm dilated, 70%effaced and engaged -1. I am opting to NOT get an internal exam next week. I find it to be unnecessarily invasive. I also had some spotting this past week and I would rather avoid that if at all possible.
I have been very crampy and having lots of BH. I hope this baby stays put for a bit longer. As you can see it is a bit difficult to relax and take care of a toddler.

We did speak about the option of a Hep-Lock instead of an IV. This way the staff would have access to the vein, but the IV will be capped for later use instead of adding continuous fluid. She said that as long as everything is going smoothly it shouldn't be a problem. She did warn that they can become blocked more easily than an IV but I am not really all that concerned because I feel the freedom the Hep-Lock will provide outweighs the fact that it could get blocked.
I had an internal exam to check my progress. However, I know that none of the signs they check for really mean much as far as when labor will begin. My stats were exactly the same with this baby as with Eliza at 36 weeks. I am about 1-1/2cm dilated, 70%effaced and engaged -1. I am opting to NOT get an internal exam next week. I find it to be unnecessarily invasive. I also had some spotting this past week and I would rather avoid that if at all possible.
I have been very crampy and having lots of BH. I hope this baby stays put for a bit longer. As you can see it is a bit difficult to relax and take care of a toddler.

I am starting to get a wee bit nervous about everything- the labor and delivery, the breastfeeding, the being a mom of two kids! I know it will all fall into place in time but I am a worrier and although I am trying to relax and stay clam the nerves keep creeping up on me.
You can do it! and when you do you will be my hero lol. . . I still can't get this maternal feeling yet! Will it ever come??? haha
You look wonderful! I know it is really hard not to worry(I am that way too) but you will do great. As long as you have help for when the baby is home that is all that you need. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Is there a sight that lists all the current cloth diaper giveaways?
Enjoy the last few weeks!
It is normal to worry - but you will do great! We can't wait to find out if it is a brother or a sister for Eliza!
enjoy your last few weeks as a mom of 1... you will do fine. hey I've survived so far!
I know it's hard not to worry, but you'll be a great mom of 2 and remember there are a lot of us around to help when baby decides to make his/her debut!
I'm a worrier too (as you know) so I understand what you mean. You are am awesome mother and baby #2 is lucky to have YOU for their mommy! E is so happy and healthy- you are doing a great job. It will be sweet when baby is here and you see E breastfeeding along side of you :)
Wow youre at 36 weeks already! This is what happens when I leave blog land for over a month! Such a prettty prego mom!
As a new mom of 2 I can tell you it is a lot easier, physically healing faster, mentally knowing whats to come, and emotionally understanding what it is to love a little person. You'll do great, also breastfeeding was also easier for me than the first time around
Almost there!! Love the last shot. Great belly pics. Funny, I have a mole above my belly button too! ;) You gonna be just fine- positive vibes. :)
Wow! It's hard to believe that it is almost time for the baby to make its first appearance! So excited for you!
You can TOTALLY do this. You're going to be fantastic, so just keep on doing what you're doing!
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