Thursday, June 12, 2008

Gas Rant

So today was the first day I had to pay over $50 to fill up my gas tank.  I have seen many articles that say gas will be $4.50 a gallon in the northeast by July 4 and no one knows where it will stop.  Gas is over $4 a gallon in all but a few states, and some places as high as $4.50 already!  I know some of you are thinking that I should be the last one complaining considering I work down the street from my house...that might be true, but the hubby goes to school a whopping 75 miles away.  So this 150 mile roundtrip that he takes to school is really going to add up!  Luckily next semester he only has class 3 days a week instead of 5.  Still, he will be getting gas almost everyday because he can't make it there and back twice with one tank of gas.  

So this got me much are we impacted by the price of gas so far and how much trouble will we be in if it just keeps going up and up?  How many of you have cut back on your driving?  Anybody wishing they had bought a different kind of car (perhaps a hybrid instead of that huge SUV)?  Are you cutting back spending money on other areas in order to pay for gas?

Here is a really depressing tool where you enter your salary & the calculator will tell you how long you have to work to afford a tank of gas.  I am already warning you that it's depressing but just in case you're interested...


Andrea said...

I know!! These high gas prices really stink. We already have decided to go camping at a campground only 1 hour away for our holidays this year instead of the one that is 4 hours away which we were sort of thinking of going to first of all...but gas is just TOO much money! And is depressing.

Danielle said...

After work ends I will NOT be driving at all. Poor Pete- he commutes so far. I reallt think people who work from an office should be allowed to work from home for a few days. These gas prices are killing everyone. Pete had wanted an SUV but I said NO WAY! I was thinking of getting one for a next car- but not with these crazy prices.

Dana said...

thanks for making me more depressed.. LOL.. just kidding...

I am just happy I got rid of my truck when i did..

La Mama Naturale' said...

uckily, I'm a SAHM so we don't go too many places...if any during the week...but we drive a diesel other than my husband's work van and diesel is $5.30 a gallon where I live (CA) it's horrible. We're thinking about converting the diesel into a veggie oil truck after it's paid off (Jan 09)! We also own a Jetta but it's not really in the best condition and were selling it. At least a little more cost effective when it comes to gas. This is just outrageous. And, on top of that my husband commute's to L.A. on a daily basis so you can imagine what the gas bill is like at the end of the month! :) So, yes it's definitely affecting us...but I don't think my husband plans to stop working any time soon- especially since were self employed!!!!

Pam said...

gas is really hurting us. Since hubby and I both work- we spend way to much on gas. It is bad. We try to make sure we consolidate trips - wait to run to wal-mart until we need to do other things in the area, etc. But it doesn't help much when gas is over $4/gallon. I don't know what will happen- but something needs to happen. We can't go on like this.

Pierrette said...

Up hear in Canada (Toronto) we are already paying 5$ a gallon. Some people might not like me for saying this but I don't think it is a bad thing it is encouraging people to carpool, take the public transit, walk, ride their bikes or invest in smaller compact hybrid cars, motorcycles or scooters. All of this is having a positive impact on the environment. My husband rides his motorcycle to work and I walk everywhere with Christophe. We try to minimize the amount of trips in the car we take to 2 or 4 a month, once we informed our insurance company of this our rates also dropped another great savings.

Missy said...

I am still in one of the few places below $4 (South Carolina, we are running around $3.80), but it really is having a big effect on our driving. Before during the week, we would go out quite often, just to get out of the house, but not anymore. I go to Target or Walmart maybe once a week and try to get everything in one trip. It definitely affects any upcoming vacation plans.

Mommy Mechanics said...

Oh my goodness I filled up today and it was 80 dollars! I really try not to drive unless I really have to. Gas is so crazy!

Anonymous said...

as if my head didn't already hurt! thanks. being a SAHM I often worry about whether i should go back to work. but now, why? my $ would go to daycare and gas?! i really hope someone does something soon...

Anonymous said...

As a what used to be considered "middle class" family, we are feeling less then classy. With the prices rising in gas and affecting everything else, ie: groceries, not only are we having to cut back driving by we seem to be cutting back eating to. not be mention the seems even getting those debts paid are getting cut and it sucks. So much for middle class!!