Sunday, September 21, 2008

have you seen...

the horrific commercials in favor of high fructose corn syrup? Rose initially told me about these ridiculous advertisements.

but then I actually saw one and my mouth is still hanging open. Seriously, WTF? Pardon my potty mouth.

Do advertisers really think we are that dumb?

Then I saw this on YOUTUBE and it made me smile! :)


Future Mom (Heather) said...

oh my god i think of you every time i see that commercial because you are so health conscious. i can't believe you haven't seen it! i must have seen it about 20 times (now we know who watches too much tv haha).

obviously the corn companies made the commercial...kind of like when the cigarette companies used to say it was perfectly fine to smoke. what i think is funny is that they say it is just as healthy as sugar. since when is sugar healthy?

EP said...

Umm, yeah! I've seen them and asked the EXACT same question.

I'm not exactly a health nut, but I know that stuff isn't good for you, no matter the moderation!

Rose said...

I told my sister about them too, and she had the same reaction and comment as you and I: how do you eat it in moderation when it's in everything!!

Tracy said...

I thought of you as sonn as I saw it! Carzy right?

Dana said...

i never saw this commerical either....

Christy said...

Ha! The second video was pretty funny.

But seriously, some many ignorant people probably will believe those silly ads.

Anonymous said...

LOVED this post!

Unknown said...

I could not believe what I was hearing when I first saw it. Seriously? It's like that plastic water bottle commercial claiming it was earth-friendly. Sigh.

I wish SNL would do a skit mocking it where two overweight people are saying the exact same thing. Wouldn't that be a more accurate message?