Saturday, March 29, 2008

Date Night Recap & Sick Baby AGAIN

So Pete arrived home a little early from work which was a bonus. One of the first things he said was that Eliza felt a little warm. I thought she felt warm all day and had been checking her temperature. NO fever! So we decided to check it again using the thermometer from the ER visit and lo and behold 101.7 . My sweet pea had probably had a fever all day and I was using a faulty thermometer. GGRRRR So we gave her some Tylenol and she went to sleep. Grammyita and Aunt Amber arrived to watch Eliza and Pete I headed off to dinner. The picture on the left is how I feel that my daughter is sick AGAIN! No, actually I was watching top model and wanted to do one of those mean shots they are always doing. What do you think my mother-in-law and sister-in-law are thinking?

In case you were wondering I did get to shower and also found some deodorant to use. Here we are before leaving the house. Really date night is as big as prom and warrants a photo shoot. It really might only come once every four years as some other Mommy bloggers have informed me. I was not about ot let this photo op. slip away.

Dinner was great and it was good to get away. I had a Yumm-O grilled veggie Panini. I only checked my phone about five times even though we were gone fore 90 minutes. I discovered my tolerance for alcohol has gone WWWAAAYYYY down. I had a vodka cranberry and felt like I had been doing shots all night. I was still feeling it at about 3 a.m.

Why was I up at 3. a. m. you might ask?

Eliza woke up at around 2:30 with a fever if 103.4. Pete and I were very upset. He called the answering service at our pediatrician and they gave us another number for an on call doctor. After calling that doctor Pete reached another answering service that said for all emergencies to go to the hospital. The lady could not advise us as to whether or not this was an emergency. I am a new parent and everything is an emergency to me. I decided to giver her some meds and see what happened. We were pissed to say the least. I gave her some Tylenol and dressed her in light clothing. She drank a bottle and a little Pedialyte and after about two hours went back to sleep.

So I am guessing her fever, rash, diarrhea, and congestion are all somehow related. She has been home with me all week so I am not sure where she picked it up. I do have one idea- at the doctor's on Monday. She did get that dumb vaccine and I am sure there were a million germs floating around the office. I am just so frustrated with her being sick for so long. I want my healthy baby back.

Let me not forget this lovely tidbit of info. In a minute of insane cheapness I bought Target brand diapers. They are the worst diapers I have ever used! Eliza was in bed with us last night and let me just say that her diaper did NOT do its job. I won't go into any more detail than that. I am going back to Pampers ASAP. Lesson learned!


Andrea said...

Aww, not again!!! I REALLY hope she starts feeling better soon...

Lori said...

awww poor little one... hope she starts feeling more herself soon!

Future Mom (Heather) said...

Poor Eliza...I have also heard that target diapers are horrible and do not buy their wipes either. They gave my friends son a horrible rash!

Anonymous said...

So sorry E is sick again...sounds like you had a fun night, co sleeping, too!

Pam said...

Aww! Not again! I am sorry! I hope she is better soon! The first year of life is SO hard because they catch everything. Their little bodies just don't have a tolerance or immunity built up against anything. I think I read somewhere that babies would have to get around 300 cold to build up the immunity that adults wonder we are sleepy mommies! If it helps any, my 2 kids have the faucet nose thing going on....again. How does that help you? No idea....that is just the stupid saying that popped in my mind!

Heather said...

poor baby and poor mommy too! Yeah, pampers are the way to go....DO NOT DEVIATE!

Dana said...

totally looks like the pics from America's Next Top Model!!!

Hope the peanut feels better.. hugs and kissesd to you both!!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I hope Eliza gets better soon. I will keep her in my thoughts. I love her name, by the way.

Also we used generic Walmart brand diapers last week and that's the last time we'll ever do that. They leak too, but luckily nothing worse than pee!