Eliza is still not doing well. It has been 14 days of sickness at this point- 6 days with the stomach bug and the rest with a cold. She is barely eating and started throwing up again some yesterday. Plus, she has had constant diarrhea. I am just so upset because I can't help her and I don't know how long this will go on. Every time she coughs I worry about her choking. My heart literally stops in my chest. I feel so guilty that she is sick. If she wasn't at day care she would probably be well and happy right now. I feel totally responsible for her being sick and it is killing me. So that is why I haven't really been in a blogging mood much. I am hoping now that I have some time off and she will be home she will start to feel better. I am contemplating calling the doctor tomorrow- but I don't really know what they can do.
I don't even feel like eating myself. Whenever I worry or stress it goes straight to my stomach and I can't eat. Today I was so busy at school I barely had a chance to eat. It was a half day so I didn't have lunch and didn't take a prep because the kids had a party. On the way home I started feeling dizzy and I decided to pull over. I pictured myself passing out while driving with Eliza in the back . I drive on some very busy roads and they can be very scary. I took off my jacket, ate an apple and drank some water and started to feel better. I drove in the right lane just in case I needed to pull over. Luckily, I felt better after my snack and we made it home safely. Very scary!
My sweet little peanut is taking a nap. I really hope she starts to feel better soon.
Here she is before she got sick last week. 
Feel Better Eliza - Aunt Dana loves you!! xoxo
Hang in there Dan, she'll be better soon!! Love you..
don't beat yourself up she will be feeling better in no time... and just remember the best way to be a good mommy is to take care of yourself... if you are sick you won't be able to give her all that she needs and deserves
and don't worry about us in blog-land, we will be here for you when you are read to vent, celebrate or share in anyway
I know it is hard to believe, but it isn't your fault she is sick...we mommies do that to ourselves....but you didn't do this to her. Hang in there. If you still feel worried, call the doctor and explain this has been an ongoing problem-- more then a few days would worry me too. Better safe then sorry. That doctor makes plenty of money--sick or not, if you are worried, it is his job to check her out. Even if it is just for piece of mind--then it is money well spent. Better to be safe then miss something.
Anyway--I'll be thinking of you and hoping everyone feels better soon!
You can't blame yourself. Grace has gotten sick many times just from us going out of the house. She needs you to take care of yourself too. Hang in there! And call the doctor as much as you need to. That is what they are there for.
Praying for Eliza(and you too).
I know...it's just the HARDEST thing ever when your little one is sick and you can't do anything about it. And they can catch those germies from anywhere...a grocery cart, etc. We've definitely had our bouts of the flu, etc. here and I'm a stay at home mom...so they can catch it anywhere sometimes. So, don't feel bad...and I will definitely be thinking of you and your precious Eliza!
So sorry to hear that your little one is sick but don't blame yourself. We working mommies do what needs to be done. I just tell myself that one cold she gets now is one she won't get when she goes to school later. We are building their immune systems. I hate when people shelter their kids to avoid being sick. It doesn't help them in the long run. Check with the doc. You'll feel better!
Oh, Danielle...try not to beat yourself up (I know it's hard not to). It is so hard when your LO doesn't feel good. Hopefully this illness will build Eliza's immunity up! Have a happy weekend with the fam!
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