Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Pictures from Hospital

Here is my sweet pea resting. We like to refer to her arm as the club arm!

Eliza's crib- a.k.a the cage!

Ring Slinging it at the hospital!

Daddy and Eliza- So Happy Together


Future Mom (Heather) said...

Everyone seems to be in good spirits considering you're in the hospital :)

Eliza doesn't look sick at all, she looks very happy (as usual). I think you guys should get out of there!!

Dana said...

I'm glad you're home from the hospital!!! I bet all of you will rest better!!

Eliza looks so happy, I'm glad that she is feeling better!!

Lori said...

looks like she is feeling better now. Hope you all have gotten some good rest and are ready to go home and fully recover from the whole ordeal!

Heather said...

Awww it's so hard to have our babies in the hospital isn't it? When little H was in the NICU with an IV it broke my heart. I'm glad you are keeping your spirits up. She's beautiful!!

Pam said...

It looks like everyone is happy as can be....hope you out and about soon!

Anonymous said...

It's so great to see the little peanut smiling through all of this!

Tipp said...

You have handled this like a trooper, I would have been a mess!

Glad you are all home!

Christy said...

She is so darn cute!

Mamarazzi said...

what a little cutie. looks like her spirits are up and she is ready to go home. what a doll face!

Anonymous said...

she looks so happy even in the hospital..i'm sure that made life easier. glad to hear she's home and on the road to recovery!!

Anonymous said...

aww look at her happy smiles she is such a good girl. i'm glad you found out the results and everything can be taken care of asap. =]