Reading is VERY important to me. It is a huge part of my life and I want it to be the same with Eliza. As a child my father would read his grown-up books to me and I remember just sitting there and listening endlessly. I think he read me David Copperfield when I was about five. It didn't matter that what he was saying made no sense to me, it was the experience, the shared time together that made it so special. My father took me to the library to pick out books and then each night we would have reading time in our rooms. I was reading before I entered Kindergarten and I haven't stopped since.
We started reading to Eliza when she was in my belly. Pete would read her Curious George Goes to the Firehouse. It was adorable! After she was born we tried to read to her but she was a TAD squirmy and not very cuddly. Now, we usually try to read one or two books before nap time and three before bed time. We also read books throughout the day because we have them everywhere! Unfortunately, she is still not really the hang out and chill on laps kinda kid so sometimes story time is more like Ultimate Fighting. If she is really disinterested we usually switch books. It seems that at 9 months old she has book preferences which I think is hysterical. It NEVER occurred to me that she would or wouldn't like certain stories at such a young age. However, if she does not like a book she will not sit still.
So I am introducing Eliza's Book Club where I will highlight her favorite reads each month. Watch out Oprah! I am sure all of the titles will soar to the top of the NYT best seller's list.
Her number one pick is Mama Loves You by Caroline Stutson, John Segal . My mom bought this one and it is a tired and true favorite. Pete reads it to her most nights.
The number two pick is Where is Baby's Belly Button by Karen Katz. I am not sure where this one came from but she just loves to tear off pick up the flaps.
Mommy's pick hasn't really caught on just yet. I fell in love with Eco Babies Wear Green by Michelle Sinclair Colman, Michelle Sinclair Colman. Here is Eliza checking it out. She isn't sure if it will reach book club accolades just yet.
What are your little ones favorite reads? I am always looking for new books for little E!
OH we have TONS of books too! I signed my kids up for a program where they each receive an age appropriate book every month - free. They get one book until they turn 5. Currently Avery still loves 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?', but is pretty much into any book - he LOVES books!!!!
I signed up for the program thru - check out the site and see if they offer the program in your area.
Also - I live in Spartanburg county, which is upstate SC...I am about 10 minutes from the NC state line (mountains), 3 hrs from Atlanta, GA and 2.5-3 hrs from we are in a pretty good area!! Charleston is beautiful!!!! Make sure to let me know if you all decide to go there...
Porgie loves books (Izzy? Not so much). My house is littered with books too.
I looove reading too and think it is so good for kids to love books/reading! Tate never really liked it at all until he was probably about 16 months or so...he got sick with a fever, etc. and all he wanted to do was read books for the whole time he was sick. Ever since then he has loved reading! One of his favorites is "This is the House that Jack Built" I'm not sure who it's by...but he loves it. :)
I like the "tired and true favorite" sentence! We have lots of tired books in our house, too . . .
Anyway - here is my first book review post:
Personally, I like the Dr. Suess books, but they haven't caught on with Esme yet. She still likes board books with animals, colors, and few words - Brown Bear Brown Bear, Good Night Moon, etc. She also likes small books that fit in her hand easily. And books that you can do hand motions with or sing with, like Wheels on the Bus.
I will have to check out your book club selections!
What a fun idea for a book club :)
Hannah adores her books and that makes her nerd momma happy! Her current fav is Suess' Mr. Brown can Moo can You? She loves rhyming books.
I love this! I was thinking about doing this with Madison now that she is really into books and tries to bargin for a larger number of stories before bedtime! Of course I am a super procrastinator and never got around to doing it! Like Andrea mentioned with Tate, Madison was also about 1 1/2 before really being interested in stories.
That's awesome! I know my parents read to me when I was a kid, and I absolutely adored it. Some of my faves were Where the Wild Things Are and Goodnight Moon. Apparently, I quoted the latter one while on a red-eye flight when I was little...
my most fav book to read to him is "Love You Forever" just try and read it without crying. and i also love "The Monster at the End of the Book". It cracks me up. I read to him a lot too. But now, he wants to put the books in his mouth. I try giving him another book, yeah, not interested.
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