Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A rash is never just a rash...

So Eliza has Coxsackie virus. She broke out with a rash the past few days so I took her to the pediatrician (the new one) for a check. Yes! She was just at her 10 month check up on Monday. No the doctor didn't mention anything wrong with her throat. as for the rash, I was hoping it was just prickly heat.

I should have known that with E a rash is never just a rash. Whenever there is something going on in he teeny weeny body, she gets a rash. The doctor took one look in her throat and said it was Coxsackie. They also did strep test and that came out negative. Thank goodness. So she needs plenty of rest and fluids over the next few days. My poor lil' angel. I do believe she will have had it all by one year of age.


Dana said...

fell better soon Eliza!!!!

Mozi Esme said...

Poor baby! (And poor mommy) - Hope she's feeling better soon!

Christy said...

I guess that explains the hour long crying episode on Monday on the way home from her well visit. Poor baby.

Pam said...

I hope she feels better soon! Remember our trip to Baltimore about a month ago? Riley was not himself, running a fever, etc.....turns out he has hand, foot, mouth too! He didn't get the sores in his mouth, just his feet. Sadly, it is just that time of year when it goes around. I am actually glad it was now and not when school started- at least I was home.

I hope E is feeling all better soon!

Andrea said...

Awww...poor Eliza!! I hope she manages to get lots of rest and that she'll be better VERY soon!

Lori said...

poor Eliza... she can't seem to catch a break. hope it clears up quickly

Tipp said...

Poor darling. Move on germies and viruses this girl has had enough!

Amanda-The Family News! said...

i have never heard of that one...hope she starts feeling better soon!

Missi said...

feel better soon indeed! just building those antibodies up so she can be stronger and healthier!

Marmarbug said...

Oh no!!! Poor kiddo! I hope she feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

my lil guy has a rash too! we went to doc today..she says..hmmm i know what it is NOT but not sure what it IS. comforting?!!??

La Mama Naturale' said...

Poor dear! I hope she feels better soon! That's horrible...take care too mama!!! Hope is passes quickly! :)