Saturday, August 16, 2008

Baby Signs Breakthrough!

I have been working on teaching Eliza baby signs. For the longest time she didn't show any sign of catching on. Then all of a sudden while we were on vacation she started doing the sign for baby all the time. It really is the cutest most sweetest thing in the whole world. Here is a video of a song I sing to her when she eats. Please understand I am a horrible singer. That is why I only sing to babies and small children. They are truly the Paula Abduls of the world.

Now she is also panting for dog and occasionally does the sign for more when eating- although it sometimes ends up more like a clap. I have decided she only does signs that are fun for her to do. If it doesn't make her laugh it isn't worth her time.


Rose said...

That just never gets old!! I love it when she does that sign, she's just too cute! I can't wait to see Alessia start signing...then they can "talk"!
You have to teach me that song, so cute!

PletcherFamily said...

That is the cutest video I have ever seen! I love the "baby sign". She is just too adorable!!!

Dana said...

Eliza is really the cutest!!! I love her "baby" sign!! will i see her next week??(i hope so)

Pam said...

she is just too cute for words!

Lori said...

that is just too cute!

Mozi Esme said...

That is adorable - and she is so cute doing the signs! I love doing action songs with Esme because she has so much fun with them!

Marcy said...

Aw so cute! I've been trying to get started with this with D, but I'm guessing it'll be a lot easier to do once he's sitting up by himself. Right now he's usually on his tummy on the floor, or I'm holding him, and either way it's hard to get him to look at me and use my hands to properly sign to him.

Tipp said...

That is surely one of the cutest things I have ever seen. She is a genius.

Nicole Brady said...

That was awesome! I didn't follow through with baby sign on my first, but really worked at it with my second and she caught on quick. We've taught a few friends' kids "more" in just one dinner sitting and they're sold on baby sign from then on.

...and for the record, my daughter started doing 'more' by touching her palm with her index finger of the other hand. It didn't take long to morph a little at a time until it was correct.

Andrew W. Larrison said...

Very cute -- and inspiring. Can't wait to show my wife!

Anonymous said...

OMG...that is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I love to watch her shake like that!!! My little diva is adorable. xoxo

Mommy Mechanics said...

That is so cool, im gonna have to try some signing. I swear we wave, clap, sing, etc everyday and he refuses to copy anything we do. Girls are always better at communicating anyways lol.