Sunday, January 4, 2009

Letters, Letters Everywhere!

One of E's favorite toys are the giant foam letters pictured below. She started playing with them about two weeks before Christmas. At that point I only gave her the letters in her name-hoping she would at least learn the E. Alas, she found the rest stashed in the computer room and broke them out. Ever since she has been running around with all of her ABC's. O is one of her favorite letters-most likely because she loves to eat o's. At this point she can identify about half of the uppercase letters by name. She grabs the letters and runs around saying their is really very cute. She can also identify some letters in ASL- which I guess she has picked up from singing and signing the ABC's. To Eliza learning her letters is purely play which I think is amazing. I do play games with the letters as well. She enjoys playing, "Hide the "B"" I hide the letter and then sign, "Where is the "B"?" and she scurries off to find the letter. Sometimes she tries to hide the letters for me too!

Want to beat the winter blues? Check out some fun signing activities here-Dr. Jeans Page! I especially love the idea for making personalized ABC books. It is a CHEAP way to make learning fun!


Lori said...

those are super cute... and great job playing with learning! (where did you get them?)

Anonymous said...

That is a great idea!! Good for her (and you!)
She is so cute!

Tipp said...

So many people underestimate the ability of such young children to learn! I am so glad you are choosing to believe in the best for your daughter! She will go so far!

Andrea said...

How fun! Isn't it exciting to see your kids learning stuff like that...and they think they're just playing! ;) I need to start working on letters with Tate...I know he'd get them...I just haven't done it yet!

Christy said...

What a smart little girl!

La Mama Naturale' said...

What a fun game...we're learning letters too- you always have such great ideas. :) We have foam letters to but they're not as big- I'll have to keep an eye out for them.

Tracy said...

Looks like she is having a blast! That is awesome that she is already id'ing 1/2 the alphabet!

Unknown said...

I have been wanting to start teaching the ASL alphabet to my 19 month old. This is great - love it!! We're starting today!