Sunday, February 15, 2009

Puzzle- Toddler Style

Eliza and I were playig with her shape puzzle and she did such a good job I wanted to capture it on video. Of course when I called Pete in with the camera she had other toddler puzzle piece plans. It is a bit long...but you'll get the gist in just a few.


Lori said...

that is so cute! looks like she was having a lot of fun playing with the pieces even if she didn't want to put them on the board. (oh and I'm glad to see you taught her rhombus not diamond!)

Andrea said...

lol...that's cute...don't you just love it how they decide NOT to do what you want them to do as soon as you get the camera out? haha :)

Danielle said...

I get nuts when people say diamond. It is my pet peeve. Kids in 3rd grade were still saying diamond!!

Stephanie said...

She is so cute and so smart!