Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Prenatal Yoga Class

I had my first prenatal yoga class on Sunday and it was awesome. I was very nervous before I went. It was a new building for me,with new people, and a new experience. I had taken yoga once before but that was years ago and only one class. All of these things combined made me anxious. It is ironic that such a relaxing activity caused me anxiety. However, once I was in the car and on my way I immediately felt better.

Alicia, the instructor, is amazing. She is very sweet and genuine. She started the class by having everyone introduce themselves and talk a little bit about their pregnancy. There are women at all different stages of pregnancy in the class and it was nice to share and hear what they had to say.

I thoroughly enjoyed the class. it is an hour and a half long. We focused on breathing, chanting, relaxation and positions that ease the pains of pregnancy. It was very relaxing. The last pose we practiced was actually the suggested labor position from The Bradley Method.

Here is a pic from Pregnancy 360 of someone in a pose similar to the one we did. We actually used a bolster to support our leg. It is a very comfortable position if you are laying on a flat surface. I actually find that is uncomfortable for me on a soft surface like my bed.
We also did some squatting on blocks. The instructor recommended at least eight minutes of squatting a day. The Bradley Method also suggests that moms-to-be spend time squatting and not bending at the waist. It helps to tone and stretch the pelvic floor muscles that are used during vaginal birth.

I am looking forward to next week. The class is from 4:30-6:00 and when I arrived at home dinner was waiting! An hour and a half of relaxation followed by a dinner I didn't have to prepare. What could be more relaxing than that?


CC said...

Wow. I get home from working all day and then have to fix dinner for everyone. I am WAY jealous!

Pam said...

I'm so glad that you liked the class! I should have done something like that when I was pregnant. I hope you like the next class as much!

Rebekah Gonzalez said...

supermom!!! lol... 84 days to go!! to answer your question. I asked for my Humanity family bed as a gift. I still use it all the time and take it on trips when we go out of town. I can keep an eye out for you if you interested in buying one "loved" :)

Tracy said...

Sounds great. I am glad you are enjoying yourself!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! I did a yoga preggo dvd while I was PG with Kaelin...but didn't get to use all the stretches that I learned and areas that I "toned" b/c or her cord issues! Oh well!

Beth said...

That's great! I have a couple videos. I don't like one of them and I haven't tried the other yet. Maybe you've inspired me to give it a whirl today.

La Mama Naturale' said...

Prenatal Yoga was my favorite part of the day. I love the poses -Supta Baddha Konasana was my fav! Hoping to start a routine again soon. :) Have you heard of the Chicks n Chickens DVD for post natal workouts? I thing it's right up you're alley. :)

marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

that sounds like such a cool class. What a wonderful thing to add to your week, hope the dinner is just as regular

Christy said...

Sounds like fun. I am glad you enjoyed the class friend!