Monday, January 28, 2008

If this were my job I would be fired...

So I am officially the worst blogger ever. I really have good reason though. I have had a hectic couple of weeks! Baby Eliza is just getting over her very first cold! Most moms, I am sure, would handle a fever with grace and ease. I on the other hand freaked out. Now, I have NEVER had a fever. Ok, I am lying. I had a low grade fever after I gave birth. But I really never run a fever when I am sick. So, when little E had a 100.8 I freaked only to find out that my doc. doesn’t consider it a fever until it is 101.0 Anyway, it never went higher than 100.8 but my little girl was still not herself. She is still recovering and has a bit if a cough. Now, to add to all this DH comes home of Friday looking like he is suffering from the plague or maybe the flu! So now I have to quarantine him to our bedroom and keep baby away from the germs which she has probably already been exposed to when he was breathing in her face the night before-in our bed! Oh yea, did I mention she is boycotting her crib. Although she slept from week 10 to week 16 without a middle of the night peep-she was just getting us ready for when she would say Surprise!!!- I am no longer STTN! So now I have no bed for her to sleep in because it is housing my sick husband. So I get out my super comfy-NOT- sleeping bag and literally camp out next to her crib hoping to lull her back to sleep when she stirs. Luckily, she had a pretty good night. By that I mean she didn’t fuss for hours in the evening and went down to bed pretty easy at around 9. She woke up to eat around 11:30 and went right back down. So far so good.-right? Now cut to about 3:00 in the morning when she no longer wants to sleep in her crib. At this point my bony hips feel likes they are bruised from the rock hard rugs that came with my cheaply constructed condo. I ask myself- what baby would rather sleep on the hard A@# floor rather than in the crib that her mother painstakingly put on an incline to help her cough less. I already knew the answer to this question and there we slept cozily “Sacajawea style” until about 7 in the morning. Luckily, my husband recovered the next day and the quarantine ended. However, the crib strike did not and so we are still left with sleep issues!!!!


Lori said...

Sick babies are not fun! Don't worry you will adjust (or at least you will adapt a bit). Maybe once she is feeling better you can try the crib again. Many children I know have gone through the I don't want to sleep during the night phase... and yes it typically is just a phase! Try to nap during the day (housework can wait!!)