Eliza had her first swim class at the local YMCA! I was so excited when I woke up in the morning that I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. It was so much fun and I THINK she had a good time. She was the most distracted baby there by far and was looking all around at the people and the lights. She could care less about mommy blowing bubbles and singing. She is considered a shrimp because of her age and that cracks me up. I don't know why but it does. I mean what is smaller than a shrimp-maybe some krill. All of the babies in our class were adorable and their smiling faces really made my day.
The class lasts for six weeks ans is every Saturday morning for 30 minutes. I had a ton of fun and I can't wait until our next class on Saturday. Some skills we practiced were splashing, kicking and blowing bubbles. Now I know all of the songs and motions so we will be old pros. Here are some of the songs that we sang in the class:
- The Hokey Pokey
- If Your Happy and You Know It
- The More We Get Together
- Ring Around the Rosy
- Motorboat
Motorboat, motorboat so so slow
Motorboat, motorboat go so fastMotorboat, motorboat step on the gas Vroom!
She really likes so vroom on her belly and glide across the water. Most times she managed to continue sucking her pointer finger while completing this song.
Motorboat VROOOOOM!
Here are some more pics from our class. I think Eliza looks very fashionable in her swim diaper and bathing suit.
Jump off the lily pad little froggy.

This finger sure is good. What is my crazy mommy doing?

She just looks like she is intently paying attention.

Hi Daddy!

She just loved the part when I threw the ducky and she had to reach for it.

Don't forget to enter my Munchkin Giveaway!
Swimming classes are fun! I took Porgie to swim classes at the YMCA for about 8 months. But after she started walking, all she wanted to do was climb out of the pool and RUN. She scared the crap out of me on more than one occasion. When I refused to let her out of the pool, she would SCREAM. So, we took a break from swim classes.
I am glad you guys had such a fun experience!
ohhh.. she looks soooo cute.. I'm glad you both had fun.
I can't wait to see you guys next weekend...
That looks like so much fun! And, she will learn to love the water and not be afraid of it. Yeah! Ashlyn loves to swim and wants to take swimming lessons this summer. Gotta look into that!
Fun! All thie pics are great but I LOVE the one of Eliza looking back at Pete. BTW you look like you are back in great shape!
Hi Awesome blog! My first visit and I will be coming back for more. check out my blog also at sonias-workingmommy.
Love the pictures from the first swim class; was it a mom/dad and me class?
how cute is that. looks like she had a great time (even if she was distracted) and getting her acquainted with the water at a young age is a bonus
Love it! Look at her face in those pics! Obviously a lifelong lover of swimming!
All those pictures are cute. And you look good too. I wish I looked that good.. I have realized that I fit in jeans a week ago.. and now I don't
that looks like so much fun! we are taking our little guy "swimming" next weekend..can't wait to see how he does.
OMG--she is adorable! It looks like you both had so much fun!!!
Yay!!! I wish we had classes like that here!
How fun!! That sounds like a great class for you and Eliza! I like the motorboat song too. hehe. :)
what a BEAUTIFUL baby!!
OMG....Eliza is about the cutest little munchkin ever!! I wish I'd done that with my boy!! How adorable!
I love her little bathing suit, so cute that makes me want a little girl lol. I did swim classes with my oldest at the YMCA when he was a baby so much fun he loved it.
That looks like soooo much fun. I can see you both had a great time. I'm going to have to look into some swimming classes for me and my daughter.
Oh, that's adorable and she does look stunning! I've been thinking about doing a Mom & Me class this summer while my older two take lessons. I think you just inspired me!
there is some new bling for you on my site
I LOVE that swimsuit! This looks like such fun!
This is the link to where I found out that you can return BPA bottles: http://smartcanucks.ca/tips-tricks/return-your-bisphenol-a-bottles-to-stores-get-a-refund/
It is a Canadian site, but I would think that they would accept refunds in the USA too.
Your pics are sooo cute. Eliza is too cute for words! Does she have a tankini on? How convenient for diaper changing! They didnt make them when my youngest was a baby
(she's 11 now). Swimming lessons are excellent for little ones! I bet she slept gr8 after that. :-)
That swim suit ROCKS!!! You go girl!
Thanks so much for the comment on my blog!
I absolutely love these pictures! Your daughter is so very cute (and that swimming suit is *great*)!
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