Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Still Here...

I once again have computer access on a regular basis so I am hoping to keep the blog updated.

So here is the gist of what has been going on with us...

We are still in Charleston and we love it here. While I really miss friends and family in NJ we are very happy with our decision to move.

Pete is working on his photography business. He is amazing and I have so much respect for him and what he is trying to accomplish. You can check his work out HERE!

I am  home with the kids.  I am also teaching My Smart Hands signing classes which has been a blast. I have an amazing class and I am going to miss seeing them all each week. I'm  planning on teaching a Level 2 class and another Level 1 class.

Eliza and Jude are now little people. Eliza is not technically school age here in SC. She would not be eligible until September 2013. At this point we are homeschooling and it is working. Jude is going to be three. I don't even know how that happened. Eliza was three when we moved from and now Jude is three. and YES- he is still nursing and he is still nursing at night - though no not as often.

Lots of other little stuff happening around here- but I'll save that for later.